Monday, November 5, 2007

unspoken Words

Unspoken words is a play about a young girl who is now very depressed but she used to be a very bubbly girl and her mother uses force to get her to tell her whats wrong but she hears thing that she does not want to hear, How she gets the information is by using 4 differents ways, Phycological, Guilt , Religion, and she even goes as far as Physical Abuse. And at the end the girl kills herself and her unborn child.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Even though this esaay is good it could be better. On this essay I graded myself from 1 to 4 a 3, the reason being I still could improve on a lot of things.When you read this essay i would like for you to realize that my voice has improved, and my conclusion does answer the question "so what", and it has a lot of detail.

To graduate or Not is the Question

Will you be there on 2011, in your cap and gown, cause sure will be. The reasons being, I’m intelligent, I have a good head on my shoulders, I take my school career very serious, and I would never do anything to jeopardize it.
On the one hand I refuse to be a statistic. Someone who gets pregnant and has to drop out and don’t get my diploma. I don not plane on hanging wit the wrong people and making wrong decisions. Did you know that 1 out 6 kids graduate and I will be that one.
Also I am very intelligent, and I do my work. When I don’t understand my work I try very hard to get it so I can get the highest grade that I can get. I try to learn from my mistakes and try to correct them.
To bring this to a closing I am going to graduate in 20011 because I’m very bright and clever and I feel very strongly about my school career. So in conclusion I WILL be there on 2011, the only question is WILL YOU.

Friday, October 5, 2007

My philosophy goverment is that itis optional. On one side it is here to establish order, and keep every body and everything in check. They are also there to fix when things go wrong. But there are times when i feel what is the goverment even here for. On the other hand every time something happens they dont just hope to the rescue of people they take there time, and as slow as they go 100's of people can, and have died. Thats why feel that the goverment is optional because we could be okay without it.